
Friday, May 12, 2017

Moab Trip: Part Two

Saturday May 6th

We all woke up to a very overcast and cool morning, which was fine by me. I love dreary weather. At about 9am we all started getting the horses ready. Groomed and tacked up we trying to figure out where to ride around. Lots of places to ride out there, so we picked a trail across the road from our campsite. 

We hit the trail and all the horses were just wanting to go! Cobre' was a bit nervous but that's just a given with him and new things and places. He didn't want to let Hal & Connie out of his sights as Hal is his stall buddy at our barn. 

Cobre' did great and he only had one meltdown or hiccup as I called it. Connie and Hal sped up and were moving quick, Hal is FAST and Cobre' tried to canter off, I let him for a second but he started bouncing and popping all fours off the ground and fighting me. He jumped, popped up in the front, jumped again, threw it into reverse and spun. Nothing too bad, but semi-annoying. I know his "tricks" now, so I'm used to it. I spun him around and we gathered back up with Linda, Judi, and Shannon. He didn't want anything to do with their horses, he wanted his BFF Hal. So we did a lot of walking away and meeting back up. After about 10 minutes he was settled back down and we just continued on our ride.

It started to sprinkle, so we started to head back to camp. I don't mind riding in the rain, but it was sure a thunderstorm rolling in. Not something any of us wanted to get caught up in.

We made it back to camp and untacked and got ready for the thunderstorm. There was a lot of lightning, thunder, and it POURED! Poor Tia, Judi's lab is terrified of thunder, she kept hiding her head and gluing herself to Judi.

After it stopped raining and storming, we all got ready for dinner. Linda and I were supposed to make dinner, I originally mentioned making tacos. She had a MUCH better idea and that was to make smothered chicken, asparagus, and potatoes in the Dutch Oven and a berry cobbler for dessert. Of course, I said OKAY! So that is what she and her hubby made and let me tell you it was so so delicious!

It started raining again soon after. We relaxed and waited for it to stop again. It did.

Around 7pm, we all headed over to John and Sena's house, as they invited us over to watch the movies that were filmed on and near their property. Those movies include: City Slickers, Comancheros, Rio Grande, Rio Conchos, Smoke Signals and the new Disney film John Carter of Mars.

Their house is SIMPLY something out of one of those Home & Garden magazines. It was so beautiful, elegant, and oh so cozy!

Yes, I may or may not have taken a picture of their bathroom. It was just too adorable not to. I need a toilet paper hanger like that now. So freaking cute!

John is 81 years old and still rides till this day. He got bucked off a mule last year and a few months later, he was back to riding. Also, he got stung by a wasp last year and nearly didn't make it. In fact the Dr's didn't think he would... but the man is tough and he's still here and I can't tell you just how glad I am and was to be able to meet him. Simply AMAZING! He also is the best story teller that I have met in a LONG time. I just LOVED hearing him narrate the movies, telling us where on his property it was filmed, how many takes were used as doubles within a movie, how the movie crew made the shots look longer than they actually were by having the horses go down the river instead of right across, how John Wayne is on horseback and gallops down a hill and drops his left rein but without second thought at a full gallop, he reaches down and grabs that rein.... something you'd miss in the movie if someone didn't know it was there. With that, Sena and John invited us to join them on "The Movie Ride" on Sunday morning. I felt like I was 10 years old all over again! I was so giddy it was ridiculous, I wanted to go to bed right then and there so Sunday would come faster.

John told us all about his old dog, Blender. He even wrote a book about Blender and was nice enough to give us all a copy of the book and sign it. The book is so well written and the drawings are so cute and fit the book perfectly.

Luckily there was wine, and Linda made me drink *gasp* TWO glasses. I'm such a lite weight it's not even funny. Two glasses of wine for me and I was tipsy. I enjoyed talking to everyone and Linda, Sena, and I had some pretty neat conversations. John got up at one point, wandered into the kitchen and brought out a big bottle of glucosamine. Yes, you read that right, glucosamine. He said that everyone should take one and that it would make them feel better. Everyone kinda glanced at each other like "what in the world is he talking about!?" Then he started handing "glucosamine" pills out, those "glucosamine" pills were actually dark chocolate Dove hearts. Everyone laughed and laughed, it was so funny!

It started to get late about 11pm, and if we were going to ride in the morning, we all had to get some rest. We all filled into the truck and back to camp we went. Don't worry, we had a DD.

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