I've been playing with the idea of taking Cobre' down to the river trail and today seemed like a great day to take the boy for a walk. It's in the 60's out, minus the 20mph winds we have. I figured he'd be a bit jumpy/spooky... nope, nothing. He just walked behind me taking it all in. It's much easier to control a horse from the ground than it is to do on their back. I tacked him up and off on our walk we went.
We walked on the sidewalks alongside the soccer fields (they used to be horse trails, stupid City owns them now) until we hit the paved trail.
It was a boring walk.
We got to where the bridge crosses the river and a guy on a bicycle came flying over it, which startled Cobre'. He jumped behind me and snorted.
So after that he wasn't sure of the bridge because "weird moving things come from it!", so we walked over to it. My plan was to just hangout by it and let him eat some grass. Little did I know that there was a crackhead passed out on the bridge.
At first I thought "Oh God... dead body!" but he moved. Cobre' wanted no parts of that guy laying there, nor did I... so we turned around and started back to the barn.
All was well until about 10 minutes away from the barn, walking near the road (on sidewalk by soccer field fence) a loud ass motorcycle came blowing past us. Didn't even try to slow down, Cobre jumped sideways and put it in reverse and took me about 12 feet back with him. I got his brain back and we continued on back to the barn. I was so mad because the road it a dead end and there are horse signs up and down it. A few minutes later, the same asshole comes flying towards us again! This time I was well off and away from the road and had both the reins and lead in my hands. The asshole blew past us again, Cobre' tried to bolt, but he could only run in a tight circle around me. After I got his brain back again, he was a nervous wreck and was covered in sweat. It pissed me off so bad, I wish I could have a spike strip with me for when people do that sort of stuff. It's also most like they enjoy watching you or your horse get hurt.
We made it back to the barn, where he calmed down and was praised for being such a good boy.
He got some cookies too.
I untacked him, and let him roll in the arena and we just hung out.
He dried off and we called it a day.
He tries so hard to be brave and I love this boy to pieces! He is wonderful!
Bonus pictures of a few of the barn cats, who I just love as well!
Oh and we can't forgot the silly barn rabbit either! :)
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