
Monday, March 6, 2017

A step back and two steps forward

Tonight was awesome! I am so proud of Cobre!

I tacked him up, took him into the arena, and climbed on. He stood stock still. I asked for him to move forward and his little brain just went "AHHHHH!" and he went into trying to Fino his little heart out. A few spins and some backing up, it was time to call a time out! A change needed to be made and a few steps back with how he thinks and has been "trained".

Most of these Paso Fino's are started way too young, are trained until their brains are fried, and when they "don't get it perfect", they get "taught a lesson" and nothing comes good from that, ever.

Cobre' doesn't Classic Fino (even though he comes from amazing lines). A Classic Fino bred to a Classic Fino doesn't mean your foal is going to have the natural Classic Fino gait. Cobre doesn't have a natural Classic Fino gait. Someone tried and tried to teach him how to be... what I like to call a "dancing, money making, show pony". When he failed at that... he lost all value.

So now the fun comes of trying to figure out what he has been "taught", and unteach it to him, while reteaching him with much more relaxed, undemanding, non abusive and understanding methods. He needs to know he can just be a horse and relax, we aren't going to hurt him.

This evening after his Fino melt down, I got off of him and let him get his wits back together. Linda mentioned trying to pony him. Awesome idea! Only problem is... I don't have another horse to pony him with. So Connie let us use her Hal to pony him around for about 10 minutes to just let him relax and know he can move forward normally without any pressure on him.


Linda told me to climb back on if I wanted to, for a second I thought that probably wasn't the best idea. Ponying him around by himself was fine but another part of me said "try it!" you have the help here now, take it. So I climbed back into the saddle. He didn't move.

Hal walked on and so did Cobre' without a care in the world. Ears were alert, not stressed or pinned, he was walking like a normal horse, no dancing, nothing. Calm and relaxed walking. I was on Cloud 9! Becky was nice enough to video it so I could send it to Jenn.

We did a few laps around the arena and called it a night. So proud of him and am so thankful for all the tips, ideas, and help these ladies are giving to me as well for him.

I forgot to say what the Classic Fino gait is:

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