Sooooo much stuff has happened since then. Where to start?
Well in summery I will write this, since writing 5 months worth of stuff would be a little silly and I would probably be sitting here for a few days.
So in the last five months, what has Ali been up to you ask...
Well a lot of things but mainly working, drinking way way to much coffee, and riding everywhere that I can get Legacy & I, safely of course.
I've been working 6 days a week for some time now, my only day off is Sunday and in that tiny 24 hour period I cram a weeks worth of stuff in to it.
So to sum it all up, I will try to post a few pictures and or videos from the past however many months it has been.....

(my riding arena)
I FOUND OLD BAY!!! (In Walmart of all places out here)
On April 23rd, we had a HUGE tanker type truck some how manage to mix up my address with the people behind us who too have the same address, just live on a different street name... at 9pm at night. Why were they delivering gravel at 9pm at night I will never know, but it almost played like a horror movie. My cats wigged out so I went to see what they all were freaking out about, just to hear a heavy duty motor. I peeked out the window just to see a bunch of lights on an 18 wheeler truck IN MY YARD. I ran and woke Eric up wondering WTF was going on. Walked around outside for a few minutes wondering where the driver was, since the drivers door was open but no one was any where around. I finally called the # on the truck and asked why they were in my yard... just to see the driver running back toward my house from around the corner yelling that he had the wrong house. *shakes head* I almost for a few tons of free gravel.
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