
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Horse Slaughter

Horse Slaughter...

Seems like a bunch are up in arms about the new bill that was signed back in November that now has legalized house slaughter in the US... once again. Am I surprised at all by this? NOPE!

In fact, I am already sick and tired of hearing about it. My Facebook is swamped by people freaking out about it, no matter where I go that is horse related someone has to bring it up. I simply can not get away from it. I feel sorry for the big named pro-horse slaughter people. I have no idea how they deal with it, but good God am I sick and tired of hearing about it already!

Simply put, I do believe horse slaughter is a necessary evil. Go a head and shoot me for saying that. The bottom line is.... THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TO "SAVE" ALL THESES UNWANTED HORSES. Point blank, NOT ENOUGH! I personally rather know a horse is killed and rendered then standing around in some pen in Joe Schmo's backyard starving to death because Joe no longer can afford to feed his horses and killing them by himself is illegal.

Please take a second and read some of the info in those links.

It sucks, it really does BUT what I do not get is why people are flipping out about horses being slaughtered when the same thing happens to cows, pigs, goats, bison, ducks, chickens and so on. Why aren't people up in arms about those animals?! They too can be "pets" just as much as a horse can be. I do not get it. People think horses are some majestic creatures or something. What makes them so special that it should be illegal to ship them out, kill them, butcher them, and sell their meat?

Guess what!? Cows, pigs, chickens, and so on for our other tasty dinner special meats have had chemicals or other crap pumped in to them too at one point or another. Unless YOU have raised the animal you are eating on your plate YOU HAVE NO IDEA what is in your meat on your plate. Just because the label says "it's ok to eat" doesn't mean anything. You would be surprised if you knew.

Horse slaughter sucks. It does BUT till we people who have created this problem can think of something better, it seems the way to go at this point in time, once again. At least with slaughtered horses, we can eat them if we choose too, and their meats can be used to feed our other four legged friends. I personally see nothing wrong with it. Just my opinion tho.

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